
Understanding The Impact Of Ischemic Stroke On Peripheral Immune Responses Summary:


Ischemic stroke is also known as cerebral ischemia or brain ischemia. Ischemic stroke is most common types of stroke which accounts for more than 87% of the stroke case in the UK. In this type of stroke, a blockage occurs in the artery that supplies blood and oxygen to brain. As a result, there is lack of oxygen and blood supply to the brain cells and tissues which contribute to the death of and damage to the brain cells. Clinical studied have shown that there is potential relationship between the stroke and the immune response. Evidence suggests that the factors involved in the peripheral immune system are associated with inflammation at the post-stroke condition.


This research proposal aims to make a comprehensive discussion on how the ischemic stroke impacts the procedures and factors involve in the peripheral immune system. Here the study will present a literature review in which it will compare and review the data of different relevant research papers in relation to discuss the selected research topic. The expected outcome of this research proposal is to present an evidence-based research study on the impacts of ischemic stroke on the peripheral immune system, that will assist health practitioners and nurses to develop the clear understanding about this topic.


Following an ischemic stroke in human body there occurs several chances in different body organs, especially in spleen and brain. These changes are strongly associated with instigating the organs involve in the peripheral immune system to develop the necessary immune response against the structural and functional changes thereby bringing the interna environment of body hack to the normal state.


This research study aims to discuss how Ischemic stroke impacts on the functional process of the peripheral immune system. This study also aims to discuss the important roles of spleen and brain in developing peripheral immunes response following a stroke.


Ischemic stroke has potential impacts on the peripheral immune’s response

Null hypothesis:

Ischemic stroke does not impact on the peripheral immune’s response

Background to investigation (literature review):

Ischemic stroke leads to stroke-initiated infection (SAI) which accounts for more than 20% of the death at the post stroke condition (Rayasam et al. 2018). Spleen is the highly vascularized lymphoid organ that is severely affected after the ischemic stroke which cause structural and functional changes in spleen. Spleen consists of while pulp and red pulp. The red pulp plays crucial roles in maintaining proper immune response against any bacteria or microbes enter into body. Red pulp contains several immunes response cells such as B cell, NK cells, microphases monocytes and lymphoid cell which are strongly associated with generating the specific immune response thereby preparing body to develop the specific antibody against antigen (bacteria or microbe) thereby protecting body from any kind of infection Jayaraj et al. 2019). Spleen acts as the reservoir of various immunes cells which are associated in developing the necessary proinflammatory responses during and after the ischemic stoke. At the post stroke condition there is high chances of causing SAI inside the body (Meng et al. 2019). Due to the development of stroke-initiated infection (SAI) the red pulp of spleen becomes activated which then activates the T cell and B cell region. Then from the T cell zone there is secretion of the T cells and dendritic cells that act as the potential innate immune cell. On the other hand, B cells are secreted from the B cell zone. After activation, B cells, T cells and dendritic cells leave spleen and develop the immune response by secreting cytokines that protect the body from any kind of infection and injuries insides the body. After an ischemic stroke there is high risk of infection in different organs inside the body thereby the enhancing the risk towards mortality and morbidity. Splenic marginal zone (MZ) B cells are the innate like lymphocytes that develop strong defense system early against any stroke related bacterial infection (Yang et al. 2017). In case of post stroke infection, the body is unable to develop the defense system due to the lack of production of Splenic marginal zone (MZ) B cells, which causes deficiency inn capturing the blood borne antigens and the supp

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