Purpose of the Change Proposal in Offering Patient Care & Health care System NRS 493 Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal
The second objective of this proposed change project is prevent and reduce the prevalence of HAPIs in critical care units. Reducing the prevalence of these injuries will lower the overall cost burden to individuals, health population and the entire health care system (Coyer et al., 2022). The third focus of this project is to improve patients’ and providers’ safety through quality care delivery. This aim is essential because it aligns with professional and regulatory requirements concerning standards of care and best practices expected of nurses by professional entities like the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN). Patients in critical care are delicate and require safety measures to enhance their conditions and health statuses (Gaspar et al., 2019). Therefore, it is critical for these patients through nurse-led and driven interventions focused on patients, deliver better practices to improve their chances of attaining quality care.
The proposed change project also aims at implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions to manage HAPIs among the most susceptible patients. The change project will entail effective implementation of the proposed intervention to reduce and prevent the occurrence of HAPIs by 50% through an EBP care bundle comprising different tailored components to meet patient needs. Through this implementation, the proposed project will lead to better care delivery, reduce the overall burden of these injuries on the health care system, and ensure that all providers have sufficient knowledge and information on prevention and management of HAPIs for critical care patients.
PICOT Statement & Question
The PICOT model is a critical part of EBP process and helps nurses and research to implement interventions after interrogating and gathering sufficient evidence. The PICOT model focuses on identification of the population, intervention, comparison, outcomes and the time required to implement proposed measures to reduce and prevent HAPIs in critical care settings. In this case, the PICOT statement for the proposed EBP Capstone change project proposal entails the following:
Population: Hospitalized patients in critical care units with hospital acquired pressure injuries
Intervention: Care bundle on HAPIs management for patients
Comparison: Normal interventions
Outcome: Reduce HAPIs by 40%
Time: 3 months
PICOT Question
Among hospitalized patients in critical care unit with hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) (P), does the implementation of care bundle (I) compared to normal measures (C), reduce HAPIs by 40% (O) within three months (T)?
The identified population consist of patients who suffer the brunt of HAPIs due to the delicate nature of their health. Critical care patients have limited mobility and are at an increased risk for HAPIs due to the interruption of blood or death of brain tissue. The population may also experience other factors like poor nutrition, poor hydration and poor sensory perception. The intervention, care bundle is an evidence-based approach that implores nurses in the critical care to implement strategies that align with patient state of health and needs. This implies that not all strategies are a one-size-fits-all aspects because of the patient diversity in needs (Melnyk et al., 2022). The care bundle will have guidelines and best practices as well as devices that leverage technological advancements to improve the quality of care and reduce exposure to HAPIs for patients in these settings. Based on the suggested approach, nurses will get sufficient knowledge and information that will lead to reduced HAPIs while also avoiding those that can be avoided. They will improve their attitude and help alter their approaches and perspectives on HAPIs prevention to improve overall patient safety and care.
Evidence from literature suggests that compared to normal interventions like pressure distribution and use of air mattresses, care bundle will entail other guidelines and practices that improve the disposition of nurses and the targeted patients (Amirah et al., 2020; Lam et al., 2020). The care bundle approach will implore nurses to develop tailored interventions based on patient condition, level of delicacy, and integrate their opinions through the use of limited resources in an engaging manner for all stakeholders. The expected outcomes will enhance care delivery and reduce costs while also improving teamwork among all stakeholders, especially nurses Furthermore, the timeline for the implementation is appropriate as it include mo
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