LGBTQ issues in Jamaica and fleeing a life of persecution Statement of the Research Topic
The laws and regulations in Jamaica that have alienated the LGBT people from the normal society have caught the global attention as most of the homosexual people have been reported to flee the country to the other LGBT friendly countries such as the united states of America, Canada , Australia and the united kingdom, among many others (Gross, 2017). The legislative attention in Jamaica has mainly targeted the youth in the country that identifies as LGBT. Consequently, they have faced disparities and thus Jamaica has been reported to be one of the most homophobic and transphobic countries in the world. Tourists who identify as LGBT in the other countries of the world have removed Jamaica from the list of the places they are supposed to tour (Smith, 2018). That has affected the country's tourism sector, which has recorded a drop in the revenue. Contradictorily, Jamaica is one of the signatories to most of the human rights laws that united nations have put in place to protect the citizens (Smith, 2018).
Statement of the Problem
The members of the LGBT community persecuted in Jamaica have been said to seek asylum in Canada and the United States as the situation worsens in their home country. Some of those that have fled from Jamaica to Canada have actively been involved in helping the others escape from the country as the persecution of the LGBT community exacerbates (Dawson & Gerber, 2017). Their journey to Canada has not been without challenges. As the members of the LGBT reach the Canadian soil, they are asked to provide proof of their sexuality. The roof could be anything like photos, romantic texts that suggest that those involved are of the same sex, and partners (LaViolette, 2017). However, most of the Jamaican LGBT populace has not been able to provide such proof due to their earlier fear of persecution in their country. Most of them opt to keep quiet about their sexuality while they are in Canada for fear of persecution, which they have experienced in Jamaica (Dawson & Gerber, 2017).
The fleeing of the persons who identify as LGBT has taken place as the Jamaican legal authorities’ storm the cities hunting for them. Most of the young people in the country have been facing tough lives in being forced to become who they are not concerning sexual orientation. Some have been put out by their parents and guardians and have had to face the torment from the society while in the streets. Others have been reported dead in the ongoing hunt of the members of the LGBT community. The situation in Jamaica has gained a global concern and that of the United Nations in a significant way as the enraged society keeps hunting the gays, lesbians, and transsexuals in the country. The rejection of the LGBT youth by their families has also caused pain in them and destroyed their future aspirations, as they have no support. The survival of the LGBT youths who are hiding in undisclosed locations all over Jamaica has been pegged on them working as sex workers and hoping that the authorities will not find them any soon.
Statement of the Purpose
One of the goals of the research on the LGBT issues in Jamaica and persecution is to sensitize the global society on the evils that are brought about by the oppression of the members of the gay, lesbians, and the transgender community. The sensitization of the society is expected to contribute to the willingness to support the LGBT community from Jamaica by the whole world (Cheng, Klann, Zounlome, & Chung, 2017). The sensitization of the society will also lead to the advocacy of fairness in the human rights efforts in Jamaica, regardless of the sexual orientation of the citizens. The sensitization of the global society on the issue that Jamaican LGBT community faces will also be relevant to the realization of the bigger picture regarding the administration of human rights even in the other countries across the globe (Cheng, Klann, Zounlome, & Chung, 2017).
The other purpose of the research is to draw the attention of the global LGBT friendly organizations to extend their help to the Jamaican LGBT youth who are suffering the open persecution by the government and the society. Some of the organizations such as the United Nations may be influential to the Jamaican government by pressing for the administration of human rights to all the Jamaican citizens without considering their sexual orientation. That will help the Jamaican youths who identify as members of the LGBT community to regain their self confidence and sense of belonging to the society. The drawing of the attention of the global organizations will also be instrumental in the earnin
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