
Epidemiological Rationale for Topic: Depression in the era of COVID19


During a poll conducted in the Virginia community, the majority of health professionals said that mental health disorders, particularly depression, are the most concerning. Depression in the COVID19 era has been investigated by a number of scientists, and the available statistics on its occurrence are the result of several epidemiological observations. Listed below are a few of the most current research on the prevalence of depression in the COVID19 era.

Huang and Zhao (2021) conducted a cross-sectional web-based survey of 7236 members of the general public in China and discovered that 20.1% of the population suffered from depression symptoms. In the study, persons with depressive symptoms were identified using the Center for Epidemiology Scale for Depression (CES-D). Wang et al. (2020) conducted an online survey among 1210 respondents in 194 Chinese cities in a different cross-sectional study, and the results show that 53.8% of them had some level of stress, and 16.5% had moderate to severe depressive symptoms. In their cross-sectional online survey study of 2766 Italian participants, Mazza et al. (2020) discovered that the prevalence of severe and moderate depression is 15% and 17%, respectively. The study also discovered that 11.5% and 7.2% of study participants suffered from severe and moderate anxiety, respectively.

Ozamiz-Etxebarria et al. (2020) conducted a cross-sectional survey among 976 adult participants in Spain, and the results are as follows: In males, the prevalence of mild, moderate, severe, and extremely severe depression was 8.7%, 4%, and 2.9%, respectively, while females had the following prevalence: In mild, moderate, severe, and extremely severe depression, the rates were 8.6%, 7.1%, 2.3%, and 3%, respectively. In a different nation, Iran, Moghanibashi-Mansourieh (2020) performs a cross-sectional online survey on anxiety among 10754 people, and the results show that anxiety levels are higher in women than in men. The bottom line is that rates of mental health conditions have risen dramatically during the COVID19 era, which has been attributed to stressful prevailing life conditions such as job loss, death of loved ones, infection, fatigue and loneliness, and separation from family due to measures such as restricted movement in various countries. Depression was chosen because it is the most serious health concern in the Virginia community during the COVID19, and it has been linked to the majority of individuals losing their jobs during that time period, necessitating an intervention to treat it.

Evaluation of Teaching Experiences and Insight into Self-Appraisal

Self-reflection is a technique for regularly reviewing the teaching plan. Critical questions such as “How did the lesson go?” are asked at the end of the lesson. How did the community members participate, and did they appear to learn? Continuous self-evaluation enables beneficial changes in subsequent sessions (Yang et al., 2017). Another method for evaluating the teaching strategy is to solicit feedback from the community. To establish whether or not learning is taking place, it is helpful to solicit input from community members at various points throughout the educational process. For example, if the members meet twice a week for 30-minute sessions, the presenter may want to seek feedback from the members at the end of the week’s session on the week’s teachings. This can be accomplished through the use of an audience response system, in which any individual can volunteer at the end of the session to make random comments about the week’s session over a public address system, or through the use of one-minute papers, in which members write down what they have learned from that session (Yang et al., 2017). Another approach of gathering feedback from members is to employ a traffic light feedback system, in which the instructor uses red, yellow, or green sticky notes to assess learning and comprehension. For example, which teaching approaches do members wish to reduce (red), continue (yellow), or see more of? (green).

Feedback from a colleague is also important in evaluating my teaching strategy. Colleagues who accompany me during community teaching can provide comments on the instruction, identify specific problems, and suggest methods to improve the next time. A colleague can provide an honest evaluation about the teaching plan and may be a good source for my improved performance in a future similar assignment.

Finally, course evaluation questionnaires can be employed to assess the teaching plan. One can engage the level of learning that has occurred by distributing evaluation questionnaires (Yang et al., 2017). The educator prioritizes the information he/she wants to collect from the learners while creating the questionnaires, and if possible, involves t

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