
Effect of Non-Adherence to Management and Co-Commodities and Type of Personality on the Outcome of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus




Diabetes is one of the most pervasive diseases and nowadays is very common among the people. It causes a variety of problems such as anxiety and depression and health issues to the individuals. Diabetes could be categorized into two categories, type 1 and type 2. Both these types of diabetes are dangerous and could put adverse impact on the health if proper precautions have not been taken, and meticulously medication as advised by the doctors is not followed. Due to the metabolic disorder, the symptoms of diabetes 2 Mellitus could be realized. The type 2 Mellitus is responsible for causing various other diseases like blood pressure, cholesterol, and coagulation. It is not a positive condition for the health and body. Obesity is one of the reasons that causes type 2 Mellitus diabetes, and its ratio tends to increase in near future (Brady, Tilden and White, 1996). It is predicted that in the next 20 years, the level of patients who are suffering from diabetes will be increased by 65 percent. It is a huge amount and demands some serious steps to be taken. For those conducting healthcare research, seeking professional healthcare dissertation help is going to provide valuable guidance.

The present situation demands huge consideration from the government and other health service providers. Proper actions must be taken so that the negative impacts of diabetes could be reduced effectively. Although proper medication is available for the same, but there is a requirement of bringing appropriate changes in the lifestyle so that diabetes could be prevented. Further, the adherence to the proper medication can also show its impact on minimizing the risks of macrovascular or microvascular complications. With the rise in age, the risk factors also increase and may result in depression. In such situations, depression is required to be handled properly (Fisher, 2005). It could help in controlling the negative implications of diabetes on health.


The state of depression and anxiety actually disturbs the metabolic functions and effects the medication as well. In the case of type 2 diabetes Mellitus, the problem is worst as the depression causes the fluctuation of blood pressure which is not good for health. Therefore, the state of depression must be avoided. The type 2 diabetes Mellitus is also divided into two types. First one is common among the youngsters and arises due to the poor lifestyle, and most importantly, due to the genetic factors. The old age people are the second type who has more health complications due to the type 2 diabetes Mellitus (Johnson and Stoskopf, 2010). Here in this report, the effect of non-adherence to the medication on the type 2 diabetes will be investigated. Moreover, the impact of anxiety disorder will also be studied with respect to Mellitus. These two factors are also combined with each other as non-adherence to medication is essential for ensuring the proper metabolism functionality. In the current scenario, the whole lot of consideration has been given to the type 2 diabetes Mellitus while analyzing the impact on above mentioned variables.

Literature Review


The relevance of literature is huge on shedding proper light on the topic as it allows digging deep down into various available resources. Further, several past studies will be investigated properly so that the right kind of information could be provided. It could strengthen the basis of the study and could increase the intellect.

Diabetes Type 2 Mellitus

Diabetes type 2 Mellitus is a metabolic disorder that can cause serious troubles for the health. Lack of insulin, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance are some of the major characteristics of type diabetes mellitus. The major symptoms of the same are frequent thirst, weight loss, the increment in hunger, frequent urination and so on. The serious complications or the long term effect of diabetes are heart diseases, stroke, and kidney failure. There is a requirement of taking the proper medication else the health aspects could become more complicated (Leslie And Robbins, 1995).

There are various medications or various kinds of treatments available for type 2 diabetes Mellitus. The insulin injections are mostly preferred on the regular basis. Tablets for controlling diabetes and blood or sugar levels could also be useful. The bariatr

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