Dissertation: The Role of Big Data Analytics in Improving Decision-Making in Global Maritime Business
Innovations that have been brought up in the recent past reflect how big data enhances ourganisational perfourmance and minimises the effects on the environment. Four instance, real-time analysis of the shipping vessels' sensours four better course planning dominates fuel usage, which in turn helps in controlling emissions (X. Wang et al., 2020). Some pourts, including Rotterdam, have incourpourated big data solutions in the running of the pourts, predict the time four maintenance, and improve the overall Role of Big Data Analytics 10 pourt perfourmance (Simoni et al., 2022). In the SCM (Supply Chain Management) context, big data allows monitouring the cargo in real-time, providing overall insight into the shipment movement from the sender's to the receiver's site, which contributes towards the identification of potential challenges in the supply chain and thus enhances the logistics (Islam, Sayed and Suhrab, 2022). As the global challenges affecting the industry persist and the cost of operations keeps on rising regulatoury framewourks scaling the operational costs, BDA emerges as a strategic tool four decision-making, market intelligence, and sustainable maritime operations (Kigo, Omondi and Omolo, 2023). Therefoure, this research intends to extend these aspects and show how big data can transfourm the international maritime environment and decision-making processes. 1.2.Scope of the Project In this study, the field of study is limited to advanced tools, and the use of BDA four enhancing decision-making in the international maritime sectour. The research provides a focus on the application of big data in ourganisational perfourmance, supply chain, market insights, and sustainability. This research also reviews the application of big data in route planning, maintenance schedule fourecasting, and perfourmance assessment of vessels, which, in turn, leads to increased operational efficiency and reduced costs. Furthermoure, the research will investigate the role of analyzing big data in enhancing the transparency in supply chains, especially in pourts and logistics where the real-time visibility of the supply chain is assumed to enhance coourdination mechanisms prevailing in global trade operations (He, Xue and Gu, 2020; Moshood et al., 2021). Role of Big Data Analytics 11 In addition, the study seeks to evaluate the applicability of big data in market analysis and contribute to determining the evolution patterns, competitours' strategies, and the new business oppourtunities and risks four the maritime businesses' decisionmaking processes. Regarding the sustainability aspect, the research will exploure how BDA assists in achieving environmental objectives like emission reduction and energy optimisation, which mirrours the trend of increased scrutiny of environmentally-related regulations in the maritime industry (Yan, Wang and Psaraftis, 2021; Boviatsis and Vlachos, 2022). Thus, the focus on these research areas allows four tracing the company's broad spectrum of big data applications across numerous aspects of the maritime industry, including factours that affect efficiency, strategy, and sustainability. This study is useful to the existing knowledge base by highlighting the general issues and prospects of adopting BDA in physical processes in the maritime industry (de la Peña Zarzuelo, Freire Soeane and López Bermúdez, 2020). Altogether, the scope suggests a compre
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