The concept of disparities in pain management among lower socioeconomic groups as well as the disparities in the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare providers is fundamental to this study. Because of inequalities in the healthcare field, many obstacles impede equitable pain management. Larger health-related societal inequities also contribute to disparities. Healthcare expenses can be a burden for lower socioeconomic groups. Whether it is underinsurance or unequal insurance coverage distribution, the insurance cost can be financially restrictive for those in the lower socioeconomic group. Segregated communities that have poor access to pharmacies, as well as insufficient public transportation systems, can limit the proper care for lower socioeconomic groups. Additionally, inadequate training and knowledge can be a burden for lower socioeconomic groups (Schillinger, 2021). For example, instead of performing a thorough examination of the patient’s symptoms, the nurse may be over-reliant on pain scales. Consequently, leading to insufficient care and failed nurse-patient communication or relationship. Notwithstanding evidence-based recommendations, there are conscious or unconscious negative racial attitudes and stereotypes that influence clinical decision-making. Thus, the staff’s lack of cultural competence or awareness may adversely affect the patient's quality of life, socially and physically. Because of inadequate support for nondiscriminatory diagnosis and treatment from pain organizations (Wyatt, 2013), a person of lower socioeconomic status may experience disparities in pain management.
According to Morales & Yong, (2020), recent research studies have indicated strong evidence to show a negative relationship between non-White racial groups and the management of chronic pain. The association between chronic pain and quality of life appears to be influenced by a patient's sociodemographic profile ( Morales & Yong, 2021).
Chronic pain management standards of care that appropriately address differences have not been identified. To comprehend the causes of discrepancies and to pinpoint the stages of a patient's therapy when they are most susceptible to receiving subpar care, further research is required. Research with regard to disparities in pain management will aid to direct the creation and use of efficient interventions ( Morales & Yong, 2020).
Problem Statement
Nurses’ disposition and knowledge toward the management of pain place patients at risk for inappropriate treatment. Wyatt (2013), suggested that social and economic conditions are contributors to disparities in pain management. Pain Management is strongly influenced by race and ethnicity as well as by the social and economic conditions in which people work and live. Nurses are often biased and have misconceptions when treating pain in different racial and ethnic groups (Wyatt, 2013).
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this quantitative correlation will be to determine the relationship between the disposition and knowledge of nurses toward the management of pain in the acute care setting.
Research Question
The research question that will guide this study is:
What is the relationship between the disposition and knowledge of nurses toward pain management in the acute care setting?
Definition of Terms
Acute Care Setting
Theoretical. All acts that are intended to promote, prevent, cure, treat, rehabilitate, or provide palliative care and whose major goal is to enhance health and whose effectiveness heavily relies on timely and frequently quick intervention are considered acute services (Hirshon et al., 2013); therefore, the acute care setting is one in which these services are provided.
Operational. For the purpose of this study, an acute care setting is defined as medical surgical and step-down units within a healthcare system in Northeastern Louisiana.
Theoretical. It is the measuring of consistent patterns of habits in a person's behavior, thoughts, and emotions (Communication Theory, n.d.). Dispositions are a reasonably long-lasting inclination to behave in a certain way (Shum & Crick, 2012). Seigel (1999), indicated that indiv Order Now
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