
A Comparative Study of the fast food industry of China and the UK


On the other hand, it is essential to take note of the fact that the fast food industry has  experienced a significant shift within the last few years due to a vast array of factors. An  example of an element that has impacted this industry significantly is the global recession, which  created a financial crisis between 2007 and 2009. However, a significant number of companies  operating in the fast food industry have been able to maintain above par performance regardless  of the impacts. From a general perspective, it is clear that the fast food industry has a wide array  of attributes that define the overall projection of the industry each of which has been of great  value toward building that positive connection to enhanced financial performance.

The focus of the study is to engage in an in-depth analysis of the fast food industry in  China when compared to the same industry within the United Kingdom. The comparative  analysis will focus on analyzing the development of the fast food industry in these two countries,  which is essential in highlighting any significant similarities and differences. The investigation  will examine how the industry, in both countries, has grown towards overcoming some of the  crucial challenges that tend to impact performance for businesses. On the other hand, the analysis  will seek to examine the variation in factors within these two industries with the sole focus being  towards projecting an elevated level of understanding. In overall, the comparative analysis will  be essential in trying to project a high level of knowledge on the growth and development of this  industry in the two countries.

1.1 A rationale for the Study

The benefits projected from the growing fast food industry is one of the key factors noted  as the main contributor to the high levels of investment with the number of companies operating  in the sector increased significantly within the last few years. Majority of the companies  operating in this industry are finding solace in emerging markets, which offer a substantial  platform from which to advance their investments. Additionally, these emerging markets provide  a viable platform from which to ensure that the industry maintains high standards regarding  expected outcomes associated with the globalization of the industry. The consequence of this is  that researchers have been on the forefront in engaging research studies that seek to provide

readers with detailed analyses on the benefits associated with the fast food industry as one of the  viable avenues for investment.

The comparative case study will focus on China and the United Kingdom, which project  significant differences regarding culture and food choices, thus, acting as essential choices to  examine in analyzing their respective fast food industries. The differentiation between these two  countries creates that viable platform from which to ensure that one can examine how the fast  food industry experts to advance its position as a leading industry for investment in both  countries. The comparative study seeks to create a higher level of understanding on the  challenges, as well as, opportunities that fast food companies operating in both countries have  experienced based on the increasing demand for their products. The study will seek to examine  companies such as McDonalds and KFC both of which have entered the Asian market while  operating in the United Kingdom.

1.2 Research Aim

This research aims to conduct a comparative study of the fast-food industry of China and  the United Kingdom to understand the factors, which have led to growth in this industry. The  study will seek to examine the fast food industries in China and the United Kingdom separately  with the aim of trying to determine how each of these industries has been able to build itself.  Additionally, the analysis will examine other factors including some of the critical challenges  that the industry has experienced in both countries, as well as, reflecting on some of the essential  strategies that the fast food companies have taken to mitigate some of these challenges. The

ultimate area of focus for the comparative study is to examine the overall growth prospects of the  fast food industry in both countries as a way of trying to build a front from which to reflect on  the similarities and differences.

1.3 Research Objectives

The following are the research objectives for this comparative study.

• To study the influence of the cultural difference between the UK and China on the fast food industry

• To evaluate the different marketing strategies structured by the fast-food organiza

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