Literature Review – an evaluation of previous research and theories.

Methodology – 

  • a description of how the research was conducted or data collected, and how it was analyzed.
  • Reproduction of the research results with possible back data and explanation.
  • Meaning of the results, with a view to related studies.
  • This is a summary of findings and the significance of such findings in the area of concentration.​

There is a common understanding that a thesis is a requirement in twining master’s degree programs and it is concerned with mastering the content of a particular discipline. A thesis could be based on primary data collection but also it could be an appreciation of the available literature in the field.

Salient characteristics of a Thesis:

  1. Length: A thesis is submitted as a requirement for a master's degree which is lower than that for a dissertation, and volumes of not less than 15,000 and not more than 30,000 words are common.
  2. Purpose: the essay aims at proving the mastery of the particular subject area, hence the author wants to display such understanding comprehensively.
  3. Structure: A thesis is structurally similar to a dissertation, in the sense that it is structured in the following manner:
  4. Introduction: states the research topics and their goals.
  5. Literature Review:  cites other studies that are relevant to the study and constructs the theoretical context of the study.​

Average Length of UK Dissertations and Theses between 2025 and 2030

Dissertation and Thesis Difference UK In the UK, one must understand the difference that exists between a thesis and a dissertation. The bottom line examines the main categories.

Purpose of the Research

  • Dissertation: Its understanding is clear: a dissertation is about developing new and original knowledge, so it's quite obvious it has to be based on extensive primary research and therefore contribute directly to the center of interest.
  • Thesis: The dominant scope of a thesis is rather high, as it is concerned mainly with the already performed research; say, in most cases, a thesis is aimed at a literature review or the theories on-demand approach.

Level of Study

  • Dissertation: Only PhD candidates are allowed to submit their Dissertation, which is an assumption that is supposed to expand the horizons of what is already known.
  • Thesis: Students pursuing a master's degree are expected to write a thesis indicating their understanding and comprehension of available information related to their specific area of interest and their respective fields.

Research Depth 

  • Dissertation: The definition of dissertation depicts it as an intermediate revision type corresponding to independence, which is divulged as a consequence, particularly seeking documents or papers, and or getting into direct contact with researched parties.
  • Thesis: Although a few theses have original research components, most of them deal with taking established doctrines and theories and other academic research and papers, integrated with the synthesis method.

Size and Degree of Difficulty

  • Dissertation: Doctorate holders have to push themselves further up with a more complicated situation, having to write a long paper such as a dissertation on the given topic matter, which indeed requires the scholar to research and analyze the topic further.
  • Thesis: On the other hand, a thesis has only a tighter space to deal with for scientific literature and a bit more space as well as freedom to navigate around for research work.

Value Added

  • Dissertation: The dissertation must be written in such a manner that the topics being covered in the paper have some new insights or knowledge that helps the particular field.
  • Thesis: While a thesis can be written without such original material, it will be supplemented by, and will discuss, such material in great detail in the paper.Deciding Between a Dissertation and a Thesis: What UK Researchers have to take into Account
  • Point and Considerations: For UK researchers, the question of whether to write a dissertation or a thesis will be based on the following:
  • Academic Goals: If the aim of a scholar whilst pursuing a doctorate is to create an original research piece, it is clear that a dissertation should be written. However, for master’s students, a thesis is a requirement.