Grambling State University School of Nursing Graduate Nursing Program       NUR 503 Advanced Nursing Research   Course Delivery Mode: Hybrid     (Development Level)   Faculty:     Sharon Murff PhD MSN RN, CCRN Associate Professor Councilman Joe Shyne Endowed Professor for Nursing Practice         Spring 2025     CRN 21193         Note: The syllabus and schedule of classes are subject to modifications as necessary.  


  Hello everyone. My name is Sharon Hall Murff and I will be the class facilitator for this semester. I have worked as a Registered Nurses for 48 years. My primary specialty area during my career has been critical care and nursing education. I have worked as an academic nurse educator for approximately 27 years and a clinical nurse educator for about 20 years. I continue to hold a certification as a Certified Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN) by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.   This semester will be challenging, but just get “super” organized, stay focused on your end goal, and DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you stay the course and do not allow negative forces or people to come into your space, when you get to the finish line, you will be happy and fulfilled. Thank you for choosing to spend the Spring 2025 Semester at Grambling State University.   Note: Sometimes unforeseen circumstances occur during the semester. If there are any changes to this syllabus the students will be notified.  


Name: Sharon H. Murff Ph.D. MSN BSN RN, CCRN   Email: Phone: 318 274-3385 Zoom/TEAMS/Conferences in: Instructor may use various technology platforms for classes and conferences. Zoom is my preferred conference platform.   Office Hours: Tuesday 9-11 am & 2-5 pm; Wednesday 9-11 am & 2-5 pm – these are my office hours unless otherwise indicated   Virtual Office Hours: By Appointment   Office Location: Nursing Building Room 246 – Students are expected to contact faculty members during office hours, if possible. The faculty can also be contacted at times other than the posted office hours by email, office telephones, or a designated method permitted by the instructor.         Grambling State University School of Nursing Graduate Nursing Program   Course Title:                          Advanced Nursing Research (CRN 21193)   Pre-requisites:                       Admission to MSN Program/NUR 500; NUR 501 Co-requisite:                         N/A Credit & Schedule:              3 Semester Hours – Monday 1-3:50 pm Faculty:                                 Dr. Sharon Murff (318) 274-3385   COURSE DESCRIPTION This course presents and introduction to the concepts and processes of research. Emphasis is placed on data analysis, critique, utilization, as well as issues of reliability and validity of measurement, the ethics of human inquiry, and the dissemination of findings. COURSE PURPOSE   The purpose of this course is to provide the graduate student with learning experiences that will enhance their advanced research skills related to practice inquiry and evidence-based practice as a Master’s prepared family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, and nurse academic or clinical nurse educator. The End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs) that are pertinent to this course are identified by an asterisk (*).   COURSE GOALS   The goals for this course have been developed from the Graduate End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs):   Graduate End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs)   Upon completion of the MSN degree work, the graduate FNP/PNP/NE student is expected to:   *EPSLO 1: Integrate scientific findings from nursing, bio-psychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings and the lifespan as family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   EPSLO 2: Incorporate leadership skills that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems perspective in primary care across the lifespan as a family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   EPSLO 3: Articulate methods, tools, performance measures, and standards related to quality, as well as prepared to apply quality principles within an organization as a family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   EPSLO 4: Apply research outcomes within practice settings, resolve practice problems, work as a change agent and disseminate results as an advanced practice family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   *EPSLO 5: Utilize patient care technologies to deliver and enhance care, and utilize communication technologies to integrate and coordinate care across the lifespan as an advanced family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   EPSLO 6: Intervene at the systems level through policy development processes and employ strategies to advocate for health and health care as an advanced practice family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   EPSLO 7: Participate as a member and leader of inter-professional teams, communicate, collaborate, and consult with other health professionals to manage and coordinate care as an advanced family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   *EPSLO 8: Apply and integrate broad organizational, client centered and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence based clinical prevention and population care for services to individuals, families, communities, and aggregates/clinical populations across the lifespan as an advanced family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, or nurse educator.   MSN Essentials, March 2011     NONPF NP Core Competencies:   Core competencies for all nurse practitioners (NPs) have been identified by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) since 1990. These core competencies denote the requirement for entry into practice competencies upon graduation from all NP educational program. NONPF released the updated, nationally authenticated set of core competencies for nurse practitioners in 2022. It is essential that all nurse practitioners demonstrate these competencies for entry to practice.   Domain 1:                  Knowledge of Practice Domain 2:                  Person Centered Care Domain 3:                  Population Health Domain 4:                  Practice, Scholarship, & Translational Science Domain 5:                  Quality & Safety Domain 6:                  Interprofessional Collaboration in Practice Domain 7:                 Health Systems Domain 8:                 Technology & Information Literacy Domain 9:                  Professional Acumen NONPF Core Competency for all NPs – This course is aligned with the Core Competencies Domains: One (1) and Four (4).
  1. DOMAINKnowledge of Practice
The nurse practitioner integrates, translates, and applies established and evolving scientific knowledge from diverse sources as the basis for ethical clinical judgement, innovation, and diagnostic reasoning. 4. DOMAINPractice, Scholarship, and Translational Science The nurse practitioner generates, appraises, synthesizes, translates, integrates, and disseminates knowledge to improve person-centered health and systems of care.   Core Competencies for Academic Nurse Educators and Clinical Nurse Educators   Core competencies of Nurse Educators have been identified by the National League for Nursing as being functions essential for advanced practice nurse educators. The student should review the core competencies throughout the course.   Competency I:           Facilitate Learning Competency II:          Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization Competency III:        Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies Competency IV:        Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes Competency V:          Function as a Change Agent and Leader Competency VI:        Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Competency VII:       Engage in Scholarship Competency VIII:     Function within Educational Environment   This course is aligned with core competency VII – Engage in Scholarship (related to research inquiry)   Christen, L.S. and Simmons, L.E. (2020). The Scope of Practice for Academic Nurse Educators and Academic Clinical Nurse Educators (3rd ed.). National League for   Nursing.   Course Objectives:   Upon completion of this course the graduate Nurse Educator (NE), Nurse Practitioner (NP, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), and Pediatric Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner student is expected to:  
  1. Explore researchable problems for the advancement of nursing practice (EPSLOs 1, 5, 8; FNP/PCNP Comps 1, 4, 5, 8, 9; NE Comps VII).
  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the research process and selected methods to answer specific research questions (EPSLOs 1, 5, 8; FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comps VII).
  1. Synthesize the literature for existing knowledge concerning variables, theories, and methods of studying a selected problem (EPSLOs 1, 5, 8; FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 5, 8, 9; NE Comps VII).
  1. Complete an initial draft of the research proposal for a quantitative study (EPSLOs 1, 5, 8; FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 5, 8, 9; NE Comps VII).
  Modules: Module-level learning objectives will be provided by the faculty prior to the specific learning activity, if applicable.   Prerequisites: Admission to School of Graduate Studies; NUR 501.    


Academic Dishonesty

Students should realize that deception for individual gain is an offense against the members of the entire community, and it is their responsibility to be informed of University regulations on Academic Dishonesty by reading the catalog. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating and plagiarism. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and the student must appear before the University Judicial Board.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty: Cheating Cheating refers to the possession of unauthorized sources of information during an examination; copying the work of another student or permitting copying by another student during an exam; completing an assignment for another student; submitting out-of-class work for an in-class assignment; altering graded work after faculty evaluation, retaining exams or other materials after they were supposed to be returned to faculty, falsifying data on in-class assignments or clinical materials. Plagiarism Statement Plagiarism is the copying or paraphrasing of material from another source other than the mind of the author unless that material is considered general knowledge. Three conditions must be present for information to be considered general knowledge: (a) it may be found in writings of several authors; (b) it is written entirely in the words of the student; and (c) it is not paraphrased from any particular source. If in doubt, it is always better to be overly cautious and cite rather than under cautious and not cite a reference.   Any student assignment which is determined to include plagiarism will be given the grade of “0” for that assignment. At the discretion of the faculty, the penalty for plagiarism could include an assignment of a grade of “F” for that course and suspension from the program for a minimum of two semesters. Other Forms of Cheating   Providing material to another person with knowledge it will be improperly used, possessing another student’s work without permission, selling or purchasing materials for class assignments, altering another student’s assignment, knowingly furnishing false or incomplete academic information, altering documents affecting student records, forging a signature or falsifying information on any official academic document.

Students should realize that deception for individual gain is an offense against the members of the entire community, and it is their responsibility to be informed of University regulations on Academic Dishonesty by reading the catalog. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating and plagiarism. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and the student must appear before the University Judicial Board.

Class Attendance Policy (Below are excerpts from the GSU Class Attendance Policy #41002. The policy should be viewed in its entirety on the Grambling website). “STATEMENT OF POLICY #41002-At Grambling State University, class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege.  Students should attend all classes regularly and punctually and faculty should accurately record student attendance for each class.  Failure to do so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and federal student aid eligibility.” “STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES-All students attending Grambling State University, notwithstanding student classification, are expected to attend the first day of class through the last day of class of the term/semester unless excused by the instructor.  This includes students enrolled in classes who have completed the registration process and who have obtained a fee sheet.” Unless waived by the instructor or made more restrictive through the course syllabus, all students having missed more than five (5) days in a course that meets once a week, ten (10) days in a course that meets at least twice a week, and five (5) days in a nine week course, will be administratively withdrawn from the class roster and will receive a “W” for that class during that term/semester as recommended by the instructor.  Any student withdrawn may appeal the withdrawal provided the appeal is made within 72 hours of being withdrawn from the course.” The MSN department adopts the Attendance Policy established by Grambling State University. The University’s attendance policy can be reviewed in the Grambling State University Catalog 2019-2020 (p.66-67). For appropriate delegation of the policy, graduate students enrolled in the MSN program will also follow the additional statues of the attendance policy designated for “junior and senior” students. Class attendance is mandatory. Attendance in class is required and expected for each scheduled class meeting. In many graduate nursing courses, participation in classroom activities is expected as demonstration of professional role behavior and is included in the determination of course grades. Anticipated classroom absences should be discussed with faculty prior to the date for approval if there are extenuating circumstances. Prolonged illness or multiple absences or repeated tardiness may prevent attainment of terminal course objectives resulting in a failing grade for the course.   For this class, attendance is defined as communication with the course faculty every seven (7) to ten (10) days. The communication may be via email, telephone conversation, an in-person conference or other means deemed acceptable by the course faculty.   “Distance Learning (Online/Hybrid/Blended Courses) Logging into a distance education class without active participation is not sufficient to show student attendance in an online course. A student must demonstrate attendance in a distance learning course by engaging in an academically-related activity, such as contributing to an online discussion or initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a course-related question.” Providing Reasonable Accommodation Disability Services for Students Grambling State University maintains the Office of Disability Services for Students (DSS) to help assure compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by various congressional acts, i.e., the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990. This office has created an atmosphere of opportunity by providing services and mediating considerations for students. The primary goal of the Office of Disability Services for Students is to ensure access for students with documented disabilities and to contribute to the development of self-advocacy and confidence of students with disabilities. We encourage students to take control of their own learning and to discuss the means for arranging types of appropriate support. In addition, we serve as an advocate for students in determining appropriate considerations. The Office of Disability Services is located in the GSU Student Counseling Wellness and Resource Center, it is recommended that you read the handbook located on the GSU Webpage, as it will be a useful reference throughout college and beyond or visit and/or call the center on campus 318-274-3277. Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Grambling State University fosters an environment free from discrimination and inequities. This is inclusive of sexual misconduct and gender bias. If a student (or employee) feels as though their campus experience is being negatively impacted or their access to quality education is prohibited, it should be reported to the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX for investigation and resolution. For more information visit Drop Date: Thursday April 10, 2025 Withdrawal Date: Thursday April 10, 2025  


Required Textbooks: American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American   Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.   Gray, J, Grove, S., & Sutherland S. (2022). Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (9thed.). St Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. ISBN: 978323757621


Suggested list of nursing research journals where peer-reviewed articles can be found (this is not an exhausted list): 1. Nursing Research: 2. The Journal of Nursing Research: twna/pages/currenttoc.aspx

  1. Applied Nursing Research:
  1. Journal of Research in Nursing:
  2. American Journal of Nursing Research:
  1. Nursing: Research and Reviews: reviews-journal
  Selected readings of current evidence based studies (not older than 5 years, unless it is a landmark publication, or with the permission of the course instructor) OTHER RESOURCES View the college bookstore site   View the college libraries site   TEACHING METHODS   NUR 503 will utilize a web-enhanced format for delivery of course materials, interaction         among students, and course activities. Assigned and selected readings are a part of the        teaching/learning activities for this class.   Grading scale:   A                     93        --          100 B                     83        --          92 C                     77        --          82 D                     70        --          76 F                      0         --          69   ASSIGNMENTS               Criteria for Evaluation:   Course grade will be determined as follows: Ethics Assignment                                                      100 points Chapter I                                                                     100 points Chapter II                                                                   100 points Chapter III                                                                  100 points Oral Presentation of Research Proposal                      100 points Research Proposal (Written)                                       140 points 640 points  
  1. Ethics Assignment Criteria: (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4) DUE 3/17/2025
  First, view the video by Dr. Carolyn Jackson (Chair of the IRB Committee): the video is titled “How to Select the Correct Citi Training Modules”. A link to the video can be found here: How to Select the correct Citi Training Modules - t-2mGcQ7VgeNHhmeNUpsqJtTVtk6G5Fw2r.mp4   Next, go to the Citi Training Program website, register and complete the appropriate modules. One program has nine (9) modules and the second program has 15 modules. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO COMPLETE THE MODULES BECAUSE THE PROCESS FOR THE TRAINING IS LENGTHY!!!!     Go to  and register as new a participant and work through the tutorial. At the conclusion, it will have you print off a certificate stating you successfully completed the education activity. Keep one copy for your portfolio and save one on your hard drive or flash drive and turn in by due date. Send it via CANVAS or email to  
  1. Chapter One of Proposal: (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4) This assignment will be evaluated using the rubric for chapter one.
  1. Chapter Two of Proposal: (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4)
     This assignment will be evaluated using the rubric for chapter two.  
  1. Chapter Three of Proposal: (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4)
    This assignment will be evaluated using the rubric for chapter three.  
  1. Oral Presentation of Research Proposal: (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4)
    This assignment will be evaluated using the rubric for the oral presentation.  
  1. Written Research Proposal: (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (140 points (CO #1, #2, #4)
   This assignment will be evaluated using the rubric for the written research proposal.   Late Assignments:  Assignments are due by the posted due date. Late assignments will be penalized 3 points if they are one (1) day late, 4 points if they are two (2) days late, and 5 points if they are three (3) days late. The faculty will not accept papers after three (3) days, unless prior arrangements were made or there is a valid/excused absence.    Plagiarism: Written assignments will be checked for plagiarism. Documents with a plagiarism percentage greater than 25 (%) will not be accepted and must be revised.  


Expectations: Students are expected to read the syllabus and ask questions for clarity. Students are expected to submit all assignments by the due date unless given permission by faculty to submit an assignment after the due date. Generally, students can expect feedback on assignments from the instructor within 48-72 hours, unless it is a holiday week, weekend, or university break (i. e. Spring Break). Feedback is not usually provided to students on the weekend; hence, the 48-72-hour time frame. Classes will convene on Zoom or the Conference section on Canvas unless otherwise notified.       Students are expected to act in a professional manner at all times. Nursing is a profession with highly regarded professional and ethical standards.  Graduate nursing students should serve as role models for pre-nursing students and those undergraduate nursing students enrolled in the professional program, and for others outside the discipline of nursing.   Professional attire should be worn while on campus for classes or conferences with the course faculty. Uniforms or scrub suits may also be worn by students during faculty-student interactions, except for scrub caps, ball caps, or bonnets. Lab coats may be worn over appropriate clothing when on campus. Remember that you are to be a role model for undergraduate and other graduate students. Students are expected to participate in classroom and any online dialogue to discuss various assignments in the course. Also, the student’s camera must be on during all online class sessions.  


Required Interaction (e.g., expectations on communication between and among students and the instructor).  


To participate in class, the student is expected to:  
  1. Review nursing research/evidence based articles or other reading material to contribute to synthesize information for the thesis proposal.
  2. Read material related to the topic before class meetings and meetings with the faculty.
  3. Complete all assignments & submit by the due date
Click on the links below for more information View the Hornet Honor Code  

Academic Integrity Policy from Grambling State University



Click on the link below for information about the minimum technical skills of the learner.



Canvas Accessibility Statement   Information can be found at: Course content should be available within a week of the start of this course. In case of unforeseen circumstances and the course content is not on canvas, you may email assignments and documents to me at Also, you may submit work before the deadline dates.


Accommodations for Students with Disabilities   If you have a documented disability and require assistance or academic accommodation, please contact the Counseling Center immediately to discuss eligibility.  The Student Couseling Center is located on campus on Central Avenue in the Foster Johnson Building, 318-274-3277 (Phone), 318-274-2222 (after hours). For a complete listing of services and current business hours visit   Grambling State University is committed to ensuring that our online learning tools are usable by all students and faculty including those with disabilities. If you encounter any accessibility issues with course or instructional content, please contact our office. They will assist you with resolving the issue or, where appropriate, connect you with appropriate staff. Grambling State University maintains the Office of Disability Services for Students (DSS) to help assure compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by various congressional acts, i.e., the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990 ( This office has created an atmosphere of opportunity by providing services and mediating considerations for students. The primary goal of the Office of Disability Services for Students is to ensure access for students with documented disabilities and to contribute to the development of self-advocacy and confidence of students with disabilities. We encourage students to take control of their own learning and to discuss the means for arranging types of appropriate support. In addition, we serve as an advocate for students in determining appropriate considerations. The Office of Disability Services is located in the GSU Student Counseling Wellness and Resource Center, it is recommended that you read the handbook located on the GSU Webpage, as it will be a useful reference throughout college and beyond or visit and/or call the center on campus 318-274-3277. Student Support Services   Accessing Student Services   Grambling State University offers a wide variety of campus and online academic services. These include tutoring services, library services, and advising services. Please take some time to become familiar with our services.     Evaluation Rubric for Chapter One of Proposal   (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4)   Student Name ______________________________________________        Date ___________    
Met Partially Met Not Met Score
Title (accurately represents study) 5 points Title partially represents study 4 points Title does not represent study 3 points  
Introduction study description; aim of study is clearly identified; preview of major sections for chapter 10 points Introduction – study described; aim not clear but presented; preview of major sections for chapter   9 points Introduction (information for this section is less than what is required)     8 points  
Background (brief summary of research literature related to topic; gap in the literature; why study is needed)       10 points Background (summary of research literature; topics not completely relevant; gap in literature and rationale for study not clearly identified     9 points   Background (information for this section is less than what is required)           8 points  
Problem Statement (the problem; evidence that the problem is current, relevant, & significant to nursing; similarities or differences from the literature are identified and related to the problem – past 5 years)   10 points Problem Statement (the problem identified; problem is current, relevant, & significant to nursing; similarities or differences from the literature not identified or related to the problem       9 points   Problem Statement (information for this section is less than what is required)                   8 points      
Purpose (design; intent – describe, compare, correlate; Variables 5 points Purpose (design identified but inappropriate; variables identified) 4 points Purpose (information for this section is less than what is required)   3 points  
Research Question (variables correctly identified & question correctly formulated) 5 points Research Question (variables identified but question not correctly formulated) 4 points Research Question ((information for this section is less than what is required) 3 points  
Definition of Terms (theoretical and operational; all essential terms identified; citation to support definition)   10 points Definition of Terms (theoretical and operational; most essential terms identified; no citation to support definition   9 points Definition of Terms (information for this section is less than what is required)       8 points      
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework (comprehensive description of the framework; all concepts defined; accurate account of how the framework relates to the study) 15 points Theoretical or Conceptual Framework (partial description of the framework; some of the concepts defined; account of how the framework relates to the study not clear)   14 points Theoretical or Conceptual Framework (information for this section is less than what is required); does not relate framework to the study   13 points  
Assumptions (true beliefs critical to the meaning of the study; appropriate) 5 points Assumptions (identified but not a belief critical to the meaning of the study) 4 points Assumptions (information for this section is less than what is required) 3 points  
Limitations (factors that could influence outcomes of the study accurately identified, e.g. design, methodology, or validity)       5 points Limitations (identified but not accurate or relevant                 4 points Limitations (information for this section is less than what is required)               3 points  
Significance of the Study (how will the study advance the field of nursing, e.g. in practice or policy development)   5 points Significance of the Study (presented but not relevant to the advancement of nursing     4 points Significance of the Study (information for this section is less than what is required)       3 points  
Summary (summarize the main points of the chapter and transition to chapter 2) 5 points Summary (main points of chapter summarized; no transition to chapter 2   4 points Summary (information for this section is less than what is required)   3 points  
References (correct APA format – in body of chapter and reference page; current; comprehensive; all in-text references are included on reference pages) 10 points References (APA format followed but 5-6 references cited incorrectly; current; some in-text references not included on reference pages)   9 points References (information for this section is less than what is required)           8 points  
  TOTAL – 100 points   TOTAL - 87     TOTAL – 74      
    Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________                    _______________________ Student Signature                                                                                 Date _____________________________________________                    _______________________ Faculty Signature                                                                                  Date         Evaluation Rubric for Chapter Two of Proposal   (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4) Student ________________________________________________ Date __________________
Met Partially Met Not Met Score
Title (accurately represents study) 5 points Partially represents study 4 points Does not represent study 3 points  
Introduction (restate problem & purpose, brief summary of current & relevant literature, preview to major sections of chapter 2) 10 points Problem and purpose restated; brief summary of current & relevant literature; no preview to major sections in chapter   9 points Problem and purpose restated; summary of current & relevant literature inadequate; does not include a preview to all sections 8 points  
Literature Search Strategy (databases & search engines used; key search terms & italicized; includes types of literature reviewed) 10 points Only lists 1-2 literature search strategies; key terms italicized; includes types of literature reviewed   9 points   Databases and search engines not included; key terms not italicized; does not include types of literature reviewed     8 points  
Literature Review related to the key variables or concepts (relevant, logical, organization – use headings to organize information, comprehensive, current research studies with significant statistical data; appropriate synthesis of studies)         45 points Literature review related to most of the key variables and concepts; does not always follow a logical pattern; uses some correct & appropriate headings; current studies presented but more studies needed for comprehensiveness; some statistical data presented; some logical synthesis of studies   40 points Literature review related to a few of the key variables and concepts; pattern of presentation of studies not in a logical pattern; a few correct & appropriate headings used; review of literature does not indicate comprehensiveness; occasional significant statistical data presented; minimal logical synthesis of studies 35 points  
Summary and Conclusions (summarize the main ideas found in the literature; summary of what is known or not known about the topic;  restate how the study will increase the body of knowledge of nursing, & transition to chapter 3) 15 points Most of the main ideas from the literature included along with what is known or not known about the topic; how study will increase the body of knowledge about the topic not included; no transition to chapter 3     14 points Few of the main ideas from literature presented; omitted what is known or not known about the topic; omitted how study will increase body of knowledge about the topic; no transition to chapter 3     13 points                          
References in-text & on reference pages are in correct format, current, and comprehensive)   15 points Most references in-text & on reference pages are in correct format, current, & comprehensive   14 points Incorrect in-text reference format; some incorrect format on reference pages; reference omitted 13 points  
  TOTAL – 100   TOTAL – 90       TOTAL – 80  
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________                    _______________________ Student Signature                                                                                 Date _____________________________________________                    _______________________ Faculty Signature                                                                                  Date             Evaluation Rubric for Chapter Three of Proposal   (EPSLOs # 1, #2, #3) FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 8, 9; NE Comp VII (100 points (CO #1, #2, #4)   Student ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
Criteria Met Partially Met Not Met   Score/ Comments
Introduction 1. Restate purpose as previously stated in document 2. Brief introductory information 3. Preview of major sections of chapter specifically outlined (5)   1. Purpose restated 2. Brief introductory information 3. Preview of major sections in chapter incomplete (4) 1. Purpose stated differently 2. Brief introductory information omitted 3. Preview of major sections in chapter incomplete or omitted (3)  
Research Design & Rationale 1. Variables of study specified 2. Research design identified & is appropriate 3. Citation to support the design choice relevant 4. Connection to research question is clearly presented, & relevant (5) 1. Variables of study specified 2. Research design identified & is appropriate 3. Citation to support the design choice relevant 4. Connection to research question presented but is not clear (4) 1. Variables of study specified 2. Research design is inappropriate 3. Citation to support the design choice inaccurate or omitted 4. Connection to research question is irrelevant or omitted (3)  
Population, Sample Size, & Sampling Procedures   1. Target population identified & is plausible 2. Approx. size of population identified 3. Sampling procedures clearly presented & justified with citation from literature 4. Power analysis used or use of computer application to calculate sample size presented & is accurate (citation needed) (10)     1. Target population identified & is plausible 2. Approx. size of population identified 3. Sampling procedures presented but lacks some clarity, may be inaccurate, & is not justified with citation from literature, or citation is irrelevant 4. Insufficient information on power analysis or use of computer application to calculate sample size (9)         1. Target population may be identified but is not clear and/or is not plausible 2. Approx. size of population may or may not be identified 3. Superficial information on sampling procedures, without justification with citation from literature, or justification is irrelevant 4. No information on power analysis or use of computer application to calculate sample is size, or information is implausible (8)  
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Inclusion & exclusion criteria clearly identified (5) Inclusion & exclusion criteria identified but lacks clarity (4) Inclusion & exclusion criteria omitted (3)  
Recruitment, Participation, Data Collection 1. Procedures for recruitment, participation, & data collection comprehensive 2. Demographic data identified & Demographic Data Profile created as an appendix 3. Detailed description of the informed consent process & Informed Consent & Participant’s Rights forms included as an appendix 4. Detailed presentation of procedures for data collection (step by step) & is clear (20)   1. Procedures for recruitment, participation, & data collection lacks some clarity 2. Demographic data identified & Demographic Data Profile created as an appendix 3. Lacks detail for description of the informed consent process & Informed Consent & Participant’s Rights forms included as an appendix 4. Limited information on procedures for data collection  (19) 1. Procedures for recruitment, participation, & data collection superficial or omitted 2. Demographic data identified; no Demographic Data Profile as an appendix 3. Missing critical information related to the description of the informed consent process; Informed Consent & Participant’s Rights forms may be included as an appendix 4. Missing critical information on procedures for data collection and/or is not clear (18)    
Ethical Considerations   1. Identifies when data collection will begin (after permission from IRB & study site) 2. Comprehensive presentation of information on confidentiality of personal identifiable information or coding system 3. Confidential recordkeeping clearly presented re: - access - storage - destroyed 4. How participants can withdraw from study presented & easily understood 5. Comprehensive discussion on minimal risks for participation in study & what will take place if the participants experience problems 6. Benefits of participation in study identified, dissemination of study results, & compensation for participants is discussed in detail & is self-explanatory (20) 1. Identifies when data collection will begin (after IRB & study site permission) 2. Presents information on confidentiality of personal information and coding system, but not comprehensive 3. Confidential recordkeeping presented but some information missing re: - access - storage - destroyed 4. How participants can withdraw from study presented 5.  Limited discussion on minimal risks for participation & what will take place if the participants experience problems 6. Benefits of participation in study, dissemination of study results, & compensation for participants is general/lacks detail (19)   1. Identifies when data collection will begin – some information omitted 2. Limited information on confidentiality of personal information and coding system 3. Confidential recordkeeping presented but critical information omitted 4. How participants can withdraw from study is superficial or omitted 5. Critical information mission on minimal risks for participation & what will take place if the participants experience problems. 6.  Benefits of participation in study, dissemination of study results, & compensation for participants is incomplete or omitted (18)          
Instrumentation Comprehensive presentation - who developed tool - when published - appropriateness - permission letter to use tool (appendix identified) - reliability & validity values - previous use (other studies, other populations) (5) Limited presentation - who developed tool - when published - appropriateness - permission letter to use tool (appendix identified) - reliability & validity values - previous use (other studies, other populations) (4) Missing critical information - who developed tool - when published - appropriateness - permission letter to use tool (appendix identified) - reliability & validity values - previous use (other studies, other populations) (3)  
Threats to Validity (external & internal) Threats to internal & external validity clearly presented & appropriate for the study (5)   Threats to internal & external validity present but lacks clarity or not appropriate for the study (4) Threats to internal & external validity omitted (3)  
Data Analysis Plan   1. Identifies software or computer application to be used for data analysis 2. Research question restated (stated exactly the same as in chapter I) 3. Detailed account of data analysis plan provided & is clear - statistical test appropriate & rationale for use provided - how results will be interpreted & displayed presented (15) 1. Identifies software or computer application to be used for data analysis 2. Research question restated (stated exactly the same as in chapter I 3. Moderate amount of information on data analysis plan - statistical test appropriate but no rationale for use provided - how results will be interpreted & displayed presented but may be unclear (14) 1. Identifies software or computer application to be used for data analysis 2. Research question restated but not the same as in chapter I 3. Superficial, incomplete, or unscientific information on data analysis plan - statistical test inappropriate & no rationale provided - how results will be interpreted & displayed, omitted (13)        
Summary 1. purpose, study design, target population, & sample 2. instrumentation 3. ethical considerations 4. data analysis 5. transition statement to chapter IV (5)   All five (5) points included in summary (5) At least four (4) points included in summary (4) Less than four (4) points included in summary (3)                
References 1. alphabetical order 2. correct format 3. current (most within 5 years) 4. accurate citations 5. comprehensive (include all references found in-text) All five (5) points included in summary (5) At least four (4) points included in summary (4) Less than four (4) points included in summary (3)                
  TOTAL   100       89   78  
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________                    _______________________ Student Signature                                                                                 Date _____________________________________________                    _______________________ Faculty Signature                                                                                  Date Grambling State University School of Nursing MSN Program Nursing 503 Advanced Nursing Research   Evaluation Rubric for Final, Completed, Written Research Proposal (EPSLO 1, 5, 8; FNP/PCPNP Comps 1, 4, 5, 8, 9; NE Comps VII); (Course Objective 4). EXEMPLARY ASSIGNMENT Student _____________________________________                    Date Due 5/2/2025  
Criteria Expected (20) Acceptable (18) Unacceptable (16) Points Awarded
Chapter I Problem Purpose Research Question Significance Context of problem clearly delineated; Purpose clearly stated; Appropriate research question; Significance to nursing appropriate and clearly presented Context of problem delineated but not clear; Purpose clearly identified; Appropriate research question; Significance to nursing appropriate but not clearly presented Context of problem not clearly delineated; Purpose identified but not clear; Research question needs to be revised; Significance to nursing inappropriate and not clearly presented  
Theory/Model  Explanation is comprehensive; Application to study is appropriate Explanation presented but not in detail; Application to study is appropriate Explanation is superficial – not  clearly presented; Application to study is appropriate  
Definition of Terms Assumptions Limitations Correctly identified definitions; Theoretical definition with peer-reviewed reference citation; Operational definition measureable with reference citation; Accurate assumptions; Limitations specified Correctly identified; Theoretical definition with peer-reviewed reference; Operational definition measureable but without reference citation; Assumptions identified but not accurate; Limitations specified Correctly identified; Theoretical definition without peer-reviewed reference; Operational definition not measureable and without reference citation; Assumptions inaccurate; Limitations may be specified but not appropriate                                                      
Criteria Expected (20) Acceptable (18) Unacceptable (16) Points Awarded
Chapter II Literature Review Relevant; Logical; Organized with appropriate headings; Comprehensive (includes 21-30 studies); Current research studies (not greater than 5 years old); Synthesis of studies is appropriate (studies are linked to the identified topic) Relevant; Logical; Lacks organization with appropriate headings; Moderately comprehensive (includes 15-20 studies); Current research studies (not greater than 5 years old); Synthesis of studies needs improvement (studies are loosely linked to the identified topic) Literature might be relevant or irrelevant; Logical; Lacks organization with appropriate headings; Comprehensiveness is minimal (5-14 studies); Studies are not current (greater than 5 years old); Synthesis of studies is lack cohesiveness (alignment of the studies to the identified topic is missing)  
Chapter III Study Design Target Population Sample and Sampling Method Protection of Human Subjects Data Collection Process   Design is appropriate for study; Target population identified; Sample and sampling method is appropriate (sample size); Treatment of human participants is comprehensive (confidentiality, informed consent, & participant’s rights); Research tool(s) - questionnaire - survey (s); Data collection  process is detailed Design is appropriate for study; Target population identified; Sample and sampling method is appropriate (sample size); Treatment of human participants is comprehensive (confidentiality, informed consent, & participant’s rights); Research tools not identified; Data collection process and procedures not presented in detail Design is appropriate for study; Target population identified; Sample and sampling method is appropriate (sample size); Treatment of human participants is not comprehensive (confidentiality, informed consent, & participant’s rights); Research tools omitted; Data collection process and procedures are superficial  
Data Analysis Analysis plan is thorough and complete; Documentation to support plan is appropriate       Analysis plan is brief; Documentation to support plan is weak Analysis plan is limited; Lacks documentation to support plan        
Criteria Expected (20) Acceptable (18) Unacceptable (16) Points Awarded  
References All citations follow APA style & format; Citations are clear and complete; 21-30 reference citations “in-text” & on reference list Some components of APA style & format are missing or incomplete & some lack clarity; 15-20 reference citations “in-text” & on reference list (some are missing) APA style and format not followed consistently, Major oversight in completeness or clarity; 5-14 reference citations; Citations “in-text” & on reference list do not coincide  
Possible Points _____140_____   ______________   ______________   ______________   ______________
    Comments_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________              ______________________________ Student Signature                                                                   Date     _________________________________________              ______________________________ Faculty Signature                                                                    Date           Nursing 503 Advanced Nursing Research (100 points) Oral PowerPoint Presentation of Research Proposal (EPSLO #1, #2, #3 – CO. OBJ. #4)   Student Name _____________________________              Date _____4/07/27 ON CAMPUS  
Criteria           10           8           6           4
  Introduction/ Context of problem clearly delineated   Problem clear & presented in context Problem clearly stated but inappropriate context Problem not clearly stated; context may or may not be appropriate Problem not stated
Purpose           3           2           1           0
Clearly stated in correct format Clearly stated but inappropriate format Not clear but format appropriate Purpose not stated
Significance to Nursing           5           4           3           2
Plausible & clearly presented Plausible but not clearly presented Clearly presented by not plausible Not presented
Theory/Model           10           9           8           7
Clearly explained; identifies all concepts & and sub-concepts; Appropriate for study Explained but lacks some clarity; identifies most concepts & sub-concepts; appropriate for study Briefly explained; identifies some concepts & sub-concepts; not appropriate for study Minimal explanation; concepts & sub-concepts not identified; not appropriate for study
Definition of Terms           5           4           3           2
Variables correctly identified; theoretically & operationally defined; reference for theoretical definition accurate & cited Variables correctly identified; theoretical definition with reference identified; operational definition incorrect Variables correctly identified; theoretical (no reference) & operational definitions incorrect Variables identified, no presentation of theoretical or operational definitions
Assumptions           3           2           1 0
Stated; accurate and reasonable; can be verified as truth       Stated but not clear or accurate; can be verified as truth Stated but not reasonable; cannot be verified as truth Not stated
Limitations           3           2           1 0
At least 3 specified Only 2 specified Only 1 specified       No limitations    
Literature Review           20           19           18           17
Relevant studies; logical organization & synthesis; comprehensive; Current research studies (not older than 5 years unless quintessential);  20 or more studies Relevant studies; somewhat logical organization & synthesis (lacks some clarity); moderate degree of comprehensiveness; Current research studies (not older than 5 years unless quintessential); 15-19 studies Some relevant studies; does not always have a logical flow; minimal degree of  comprehensiveness; some studies current but some older than 5 years; needs much improvement related to synthesis of information (not clear); 10-14 studies Some relevant studies; disorganized information, no logical flow; few studies reviewed; 50% or greater of the studies are older than 5 years; fewer than 10 studies
Design of Study           3           2           1           0
Identified,  relevant for study, & citation to support study design Identified, relevant for study, no citation to support choice of study design Identified but not appropriate for study, no citation to support choice of study design Not identified Omitted
  Sample and Sampling Method           5           4           3           2
  Identifies target population; sampling method clearly explained; correct and is appropriate; sample size identified; inclusion & exclusion criteria identified Identifies target population; sampling method appropriate explained but not clear; sample size identified; inclusion & exclusion criteria included Identifies target population; sampling method with minimal explanation & inaccurate; sample size included; omitted inclusion & exclusion criteria Identifies target population; no mention of sampling method; presents a sample size but is not justified (not explained in detail); omitted inclusion & exclusion criteria      
Protection of Human Subjects             5           4           3           2
Comprehensive & includes: a. demographic profile, b. informed consent & waiver process detailed c. coding specified in detail d. potential risks (comprehensive discussion e. storage of data - appropriate Comprehensive, a. demographic profile included, b. informed consent & waiver process detailed, c. appropriate coding in detail d. potential risks - lack of comprehensive discussion e. storage of data - appropriate Brief Overview, a. demographic profile included b. informed consent & waiver process included but omitted critical information & lacks detail c. coding included but not clear d. potential risks – limited discussion points e. storage of data appropriate   Minimal information, a. demographic profile included, b. informed consent & waiver process not accurate, omitted critical information & not clear c. coding illogical, not clear, or omitted d. potential risks – not correct & not discussed e. storage of data omitted
Data Collection           5           4           3           2
Procedures and process specified in great detail: a. invitation for participation with detailed instructions b. method of delivery c. voluntary participation d. steps to withdraw from study clear & concise e. compensation information is clear & specific   Procedures and process specified: a. invitation for participation lacks detail – omitted 1-2 critical points b. appropriate method of delivery c. voluntary participation d. steps to withdraw from study clear & concise e. compensation information is clear & specific Procedures and process identified: a. invitation for participation – omitted 3-4 critical points b. appropriate method of delivery c. voluntary participation d. steps to withdraw from study not clear e. information on compensation lacks specifics Minimal coverage of procedures and processes: a. invitation for participation lacks significant detail - >4 critical points omitted b. appropriate method of delivery c. voluntary participation d. steps to withdraw from study lacks clarity or is omitted   e. information on compensation omitted  
Data Analysis           5           4           3           2
Research question identified; Statistical tests are accurate for study and can be explained by student in detail; Detailed procedures for data analysis & is appropriate (what to do with surveys and responses on surveys); Includes computer application (comprehensive) Research question identified; Statistical tests accurate for study with detailed explanation by student;  Some information on procedures for data analysis included & is appropriate (what to do with surveys and responses on surveys); Includes computer application Research question identified; Some Statistical tests accurate for study with minimal explanation by student; Procedures for data analysis (what to do with surveys and responses on surveys) lacks clarity; Includes computer application Research question identified; Statistical tests not accurate for study and student unable to provide an explanation; Procedures for data analysis (what to do with surveys and responses on surveys) insufficient & not clear; Computer application may or may not be included
References APA 7th edition for in-text and reference page           5           4           3           2
All references listed (100%); Correct format – no errors; all references current (not older than 5 years unless landmark) Most references listed (75%); 1-5 errors in format; most references are current (not older than 5 years unless landmark) Some references listed (50%); 6-10 errors in format; Some references are current but most were older than 5 years No references listed; greater than 10 errors in format;
Professional Attire           3           2           1           0
Business or business casual, Scrub suit with lab coat, clothes not wrinkled, small studs for earrings, if worn, no facial piercings, hair (on head &/or face) contained; hair color appropriate for a professional, no surgical caps, no “gaudy” jewelry, nail art that does not “standout” Business or business casual, Scrub suit with lab coat, clothes not wrinkled, small studs for earrings, if worn, one facial piercing (not in nose or on lips), hair (on head &/or face) contained; hair color appropriate for a professional, no “gaudy” jewelry, nail art that does not “standout” Scrub suit worn but no lab coat, clothes not wrinkled, surgical cap, small studs for earring, if worn, more than one facial piercing, hair (on head &/or face) contained; hair color appropriate for a professional, no “gaudy” jewelry, Flashy nail art No business or business casual attire, Scrub suit but no lab coat, wrinkled clothes, dangling earrings, multiple facial piercings, inappropriate hair style and/or hair color, surgical cap or bonnet, “gaudy” jewelry, flashy nail art
Speech & Gestures           2           1           0 Comments
Speaks distinctly and clearly, refrains from use of “um”, “uh”, “you know”, “like um” and other unnecessary words or phrases; pronounces words correctly; marginal distracting gestures Speaks distinctly and clearly; uses “um”, “uh”, “you know”, “like um” and other unnecessary words or phrases frequently; pronounces 1-2 words incorrectly; distracting gestures used often Speech is not distinct, uses unnecessary words or phrases frequently; speaks softly (cannot be heard well from back of room); pronounces > 2 words incorrectly; repeated use of distracting gestures  
Eye Contact           2           1           0 Comments
Maintains eye contact with audience most of the time Maintains eye contact with audience some of the time Habitually does not maintain eye contact with audience  
Notes           2           1           0 Comments
Familiar with information & refrains from reading notes most of the time Familiar with information but refers to notes regularly Unfamiliar with information and reads from notes the majority of the time  
Questions           2           1           0 Comments
Answers questions appropriately & accurately the majority of the time Answers questions appropriately & accurately most of the time Seldom able to answer questions or answers might be inappropriate or inaccurate  
Audiovisuals           2           1           0 Comments
Appropriate, creative, and readable (not more than 2 slides); all handouts legible Appropriate, creative, but not readable some of the time (not more than 3 slides); all handouts legible Some inappropriate slides, not readable (4 or more slides)  
TOTAL (100 points possible)           STUDENTS SCORE COMMENTS
                                                                                GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING MSN PROGRAM NUR 503-Advanced Research   Grade Calculation Worksheet  
ASSESSMENT Possible Points Assessment Score = Your Points divided by Possible Points x Possible Percent of Grade
Ethics Assignment 100      
Chapter I 100      
Chapter II 100      
Chapter III 100      
PowerPoint Presentation of Research Proposal 100      
Final, Complete, Written Research Proposal 140      
Total Points & Percent 640 Need a total of 533/640 points on all work to earn a passing grade of 83%/B in the course
                    Spring 2025 Schedule   Students are expected to read appropriate chapters in the textbook and submit required learner activities/assignments on the scheduled dates.  
Date Content Assignment
Week  1 Orientation to Course Brainstorm to identify at least three (3) “working” titles for your Master’s Thesis Proposal (Research Proposal)   Read the syllabus Read course documents   
Week  2     1/20   MLK Holiday No Class but continue on assignment for week 1    
Week 3        1/27       *Discovering the World of Nursing Research *Evolution of Research in Building Evidence-based Nursing Practice   Chapters 1, & 2    
Week 4        2/3 (possible guest speaker)       Week 5      2/10          Week 6       2/17        Week 7       2/24                        Week 8       3/3-5/25       Week 9       3/10             Week 10     3.17                Week 11      3.24               Week 12       3.31                                                 Week 13        4.7 LAST DAY OF CLASS                               April 11-22-2025         Week 16        4.25.25           *Introduction to Quantitative Research *Introduction to Qualitative Research   *Research Problem & Purpose     *Objectives, Questions, Variables, and Hypotheses   *Review of Relevant Literature ***ACTVITY – Continue to read relevant literature for your study. Organize the information from the studies using headings (see APA manual) *Frameworks *Ethics in Research ***ACTIVITY –   Mardi Gras Holiday     *Quantitative Methodology: Nonintervention Designs & Methods   *Sampling     *Collecting and Managing Data *Introduction to Statistical Analysis *Ethics assignment due     *Using Statistics to Describe Variables *Using Statistics to Examine Relationships *Using Statistics to Predict *Using Statistics to Determine Differences   *Measurement Concepts *Measurement Methods Used in Developing Evidence- Based Practice   *Critical Appraisal of Nursing Studies *Evidence Synthesis and Strategies for Implementing Evidence-Based Practice *Writing Research Proposals                             Oral Presentation of Thesis Proposal Today IN CLASS/ ON CAMPUS   Identify a Chairperson and Committee Members for your thesis, ask if they will serve (via email), then complete & submit the form (Nomination of Thesis Committee), and include the email in which the professors accepted your nomination, via the Canvas link.     SPRING BREAK         SUBMIT WRITTEN THESIS PROPOSAL to Link in CANVAS FOR GRADING Chapters 3 & 4         Chapter 5       Chapter 6     Chapter 7               Chapter 8 Chapter 9           Chapter 10       Chapter 15     Chapter 20   Chapter 21         Chapter 22   Chapter 23   Chapter 24 Chapter 25     Chapter 16 Chapter 17     Chapter 18   Chapter 19     Chapter 28                               On Campus Submit PowerPoint to Link in Canvas                             NO CLASS but continue working on written proposal                              
THE TOPIC OUTLINE IS SUBJECT TO REVISIONS: STUDENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CHANGES.   Rubrics are subject to be edited or updated by Lead Faculty. Any additional updates such as class dates and times will be posted to Canvas Announcements or you will be notified by email. Any revisions to the syllabus may be posted in the announcements section in Canvas and provided for students’ acknowledgement of changes or may be sent by email.           Grambling State University School of Nursing Nursing Syllabus Agreement    Semester ___Spring______ Year _2025____   Syllabus Agreement   I, _______________________ (print your name) have read and understand the syllabus for Advanced Nursing Research (NUR 503); furthermore, I understand that this syllabus contains the requirements that I must complete, by the assigned dates and with the appropriate level of competency, during this semester to obtain a progressing grade. As a professional nursing student pursuing my master’s in Nursing, I understand I am not only responsible for the content of this syllabus but I am held accountable for the guidelines, policies, and rules of this syllabus. These requirements are my responsibility to uphold and complete without instructor prompting, coaching, or reminding; however, I do understand that I have the right to clarify any requirement(s), or assignment(s) by contacting any of my instructor(s) in a timely manner. I verify my understanding of this syllabus; furthermore, I understand the policies/guidelines of the grading system that are presented in this syllabus. By signing below, with my signature, I verify the understanding of all the above statements in this document, and I verify that I have read and do understand the requirements of the Syllabus for Advanced Nursing Research (NUR 503). Print Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________ Student Signature: ___________________________      Date _______________________ Witnessed by: ________________________________   Date _____________________