How to change Colour, Marker, and Line-Specification in MATLAB plot? Let’s take these two mathematical equations to plot the MATLAB graph.
1)  y(x)=sin(2x) 

2) derivative of the same function d/dx(sin(2x)) on the same graph.
Solution: The first mathematical equation is trigonometric.
y1`= sin (2x)
And it’s derivative of a mathematical equation of y(x) is
y2= d/dx (y1)= 2 cos (2x)
MATLAB code: Here is MATLAB code you can write to plot the graph for the function of f(x) and its d/dx (f(x)). MATLAB PLot Colors code you can copy paste:
y1 = sin(2*x);
plot(x,y1,'r * -');
hold on
plot(x,y2,'k . :');
legend('sin', 'cos');
In this program, I have used the ‘legend’ function to label data series plotted on a graph. You can see in the below MATLAB output. We are using different colors, markers and line specifications for plotting two different graphs. MATLAB Output:

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