You can use the transpose method to change the row vector into a column vector.
>> A = [1  9  3  7  3] 

>> B = A'

B =






2. How to convert a column vector into the row vector?

Same as above use transpose method to change the column vector into a row vector.
>> C = B' C 

       = 1 9 3 7 3
The result on the MATLAB window: Transpose is a simple and most common operation you can perform on MATLAB vectors. Now, let us see, some other mathematical functions for arithmetic operation.


In the last post, I have explained the multiple Mathematical functions and their syntax in MATLAB. These mathematical functions and their syntax are useful in the vector operation as well.

1. Arithmetic Operation of Vector:

The basic arithmetic operation consists of the addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), etc. Here, I am doing some basic mathematical operations. For Example:
>> A = [7 5 33 61];

>> B =[21 3 1 4];

>> Addition of two vector A and B

>> X = (A + B)

X = 
   28 8 34 65

>> Substraction of two vector A and B

>> Y = (A-B)

Y =
    -14 2 32 57

>> Mutliplication of vector

>> z=(4*y)

z =
   -56 8 128 228
The result on MATLAB display:

2. Length of Vector:

Length function is useful for calculating the number of elements in the vector. In the MATLAB, there is a length method. Example: How to calculate the length of the vector in MATLAB? Here is a syntax.
>> X = [2 4 1 7 8];

>> length(X) 

= 5
The Result on MATLAB display:

3. Square and Cube (power) of the Vector:

In MATLAB, ‘.^’ (Dot power) is used for calculating the square and cube (or power) of the vector. Example: